Stata Journal Volume 25 Number 1
Here is the table of contents for this issue:
(Click on the title to view the abstract or to order the article.)
Articles and Columns
- Announcement of the Stata Journal Editors' Prize 2025
- Binscatter regressions
- M. D. Cattaneo, R. K. Crump, M. H. Farrell, and Y. Feng
- gintreg: Generalized interval regression
- J. B. McDonald and J. Triplett
- Avoiding the eyeballing fallacy: Visualizing statistical differences between estimates using the pheatplot command
- E. Brini, S. T. Borgen, and N. T. Borgen
- xtevent: Estimation and visualization in the linear panel event-study design
- S. Freyaldenhoven, C. B. Hansen, J. Pérez Pérez, J. M. Shapiro, and C. Carreto
- xtpb: The pooled Bewley estimator of long-run relationships in dynamic heterogeneous panels
- P. Asnani, A. Chudik, and B. Strackman
- Establishing reference interval bounds for censored and contaminated data
- N. H. Bruun, N. M. U. Torp, and S. L. Andersen
- The beyondpareto command for optimal extreme-value index estimation
- J. König, C. Schluter, C. Schröder, I. Retter, and M. Beckmannshagen
- A command to fit spatial stochastic frontier models with inefficiency spillovers
- K. Du, F. Galli, and L. Wang
- Heckman sample-selection estimators under heteroskedasticity
- A. H. Carlson and W. Zhao
- Maximum agreement regression with magreg
- M. Bottai
Notes and Comments
- Stata tip 159: Absent friends: How to plot what is not present
- N. J. Cox
- Stata tip 160: Drop capture program drop from ado–files
- D. Klein
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