dynemp: A routine for distributed microdata analysis of business dynamics
Abstract. In this article, we introduce a new command, dynemp, that implements a
distributed microdata analysis of business and employment dynamics and firm
demographics. As its data source, dynemp requires business registers or
comparable firm- or establishment-level longitudinal databases that cover the
(near-)universe of companies in all business sectors. Access to such
confidential data is usually restricted, and the microlevel data cannot be
brought together to a single platform for cross-country analysis. To solve this
confidentiality problem while also maintaining a high level of harmonization of
the key economic concepts, dynemp can be distributed in a network of
researchers who have access to the national confidential microdata. This way,
the rich firm-level employment dynamics can be analyzed from new angles (such
as firm age and size), significantly expanding the scope of analyses relying
only on more aggregated data.
View all articles by these authors:
Chiara Criscuolo, Peter N. Gal, Carlo Menon
View all articles with these keywords:
dynemp, employment dynamics, job flows, firm demographics, administrative data, data analysis
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