GMM estimation of the covariance structure of longitudinal data on earnings
Aedín Doris
National University of Ireland–Maynooth
Donal O'Neill
National University of Ireland–Maynooth and IZA Bonn
Department of Economics
Kildare, Ireland
[email protected]
Olive Sweetman
National University of Ireland–Maynooth
Abstract. In this article, we discuss generalized method of moments estimation
of the covariance structure of longitudinal data on earnings, and we introduce and
illustrate a Stata program that facilitates the implementation of the generalized
method of moments approach in this context. The program, gmmcovearn,estimates a variety of models that encompass those most commonly used by labor
economists. These include models where the permanent component of earnings
follows a random growth or random walk process and where the transitory component
can follow either an AR(1) or an ARMA(1,1) process. In addition, time-factor
loadings and cohort-factor loadings may be incorporated in the transitory and
permanent components.
View all articles by these authors:
Aedín Doris, Donal O'Neill, Olive Sweetman
View all articles with these keywords:
gmmcovearn, permanent inequality, transitory inequality, generalized method of moments, GMM, covariance structure of earnings
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