Calculate travel time and distance with OpenStreetMap data using the Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM)
Abstract. In this article, we introduce the osrmtime command, which calculates the
distance and travel time between two points using latitude and longitude
information. The command uses the Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM) and
OpenStreetMap to find the optimal route by car, by bicycle, or on foot. The
procedure is specially built for large georeferenced datasets. Because it is
fast, the command uses the full computational capacity of a PC, allows the user
to make unlimited requests, and is independent of the Internet and commercial
online providers. Hence, there is no risk of the command becoming obsolete.
Moreover, the results can be replicated at any time.
View all articles by these authors:
Stephan Huber, Christoph Rust
View all articles with these keywords:
osrmtime, osrmprepare, mqtime, traveltime3, OSRM, OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, MapQuest, geospatial analysis, ArcGIS, travel time, travel distance, public road network
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